Saturday 4th February @ 9am AEST


The mini workshop for photographers who want to stand out in their town.


This online workshop is designed for photographers (new and established) who want to be more well known in their area and attract more quality clients. 

This 1 hour workshop will teach you how to:

+  Instil more confidence in your services and client communications

+ Weed out clients who only want a bargain

+ Avoid offering discounts just to get bookings

+ Get the right exposure for your business 

+ Attract your ideal client with portfolio building sessions 


Workshop Topic Breakdown



As consumers oursleves we know that we don't buy a product or service unless we trust it and have confidence that it will make our lives better or solve a problem for us. TAOA will teach you simple changes you can make to the language you use and how you position services in your small town to instill confidence and gain the trust of your ideal clients. 



Not all exposure is created equal. Some is absoulutely uselsss and we have all had our fair share of those. TAOA will show you the difference between good and bad exposure and how to get in front of the clients that actually matter to you. 


Portfolio Building

This is the part of your business that is all about where you are headed and who you really want to work with. Our clients grow with us as we expand, improve and evolve as artists. The best way to work with clients that are in your future vision of your business (aka ideal client), is to fill your portofolio with them. Like attracts like. 

TAOA will teach you how to get your ideal clients in front of your camera and others just like them booking sessions with you too. 


The Art of Attraction workshop is made for you if:


+ You are discounting your session and not charging anywhere near what you would like, just to get anyone in front of your camera

+ You don't feel confident when talking to potential clients about your services

+ You struggle feeling confident with your client communications

+ Are sick of working for exposure and never seeing the rewards

+ Want to improve the quality of your clients


Saturday 4th Feb @ 9am AEST



- Access to the 1 hour online workshop

- Recordings of the event 


Frequently asked questions